RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: Journal of Sharia Economics: Announcements 2023-11-19T07:56:53+00:00 Open Journal Systems <ul> <li>Title in Indonesian: Risalah Iqtisadiyah: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam</li> <li>Title in English: Risalah Iqtisadiyah: Journal of Sharia Economics</li> <li>Short title: Risalah Iqtisadiyah</li> <li>Abbreviation: risal. j.</li> <li>E-ISSN: <a href="">2986-0792</a></li> <li>Frequency: 2 issues per year (January - June and July - December)</li> <li>DOI: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Publisher: Research and Community Service Unit, STEI Ar Risalah Sumatera Barat</li> <li>Accreditation: -</li> <li>Indexing: <strong><a href="">Index Copernicus International (ICI)</a>,</strong><strong> <a href=";user=mRxaGJsAAAAJ&amp;view_op=list_works&amp;gmla=AJsN-F53pjoSmocurUw-i6q8Snx1XlRnTin0xd_hZGC4VNzLY4YbgdiUvLTmHN0x9zrq0xUgnhsP9XA1cDKsDP0P_vVyPe8GQGmgem2-oK3RIdiWmbF3da4">Google Scholar</a>, World Cat, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>, <a href=";type=AllFields">One Search</a>, Dimensions, <a href=";name=&amp;oaboost=1&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcbasen">Base</a></strong></li> <li>Language: Indonesian, English</li> <li>Scope: Halal Industry, Finance Sharia, Management and Business Sharia, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Development Economics, and Islamic Philanthropy</li> </ul> <p><strong>RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS</strong>, is a periodical scientific journal managed and published by <strong>Research and Community Service Unit, STEI Ar Risalah Sumatera Barat.</strong> This journal focuses on the results of Sharia Economics research which includes the Halal Industry, Finance Sharia, Management and Business Sharia, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Development Economics, and Islamic Philanthropy. The Editorial Team welcomes contributions in the form of articles from scientists, scholars, professionals and researchers related to sharia economics. The article will be published after going through the mechanism of selection of the manuscript, review of reviewers, and editing process. All articles published are the views and are the responsibility of the author and do not represent this journal or the author's affiliated body. <strong>RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS</strong> is published twice a year in <strong>January-June and July-December.</strong></p> Call For Paper Vol 2, No 2, December 2023 2023-11-19T07:56:53+00:00 RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: Journal of Sharia Economics <p>RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS.<br />STEI Ar Risalah Sumatera Barat invite the Lecturers, Researchers and Practitioners to publish their best research articles to our Journal. This journal focuses on the results of Sharia Economics research which includes the Halal Industry, Finance and Business Sharia, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Development Economics, and Islamic Philanthropy. Publish Edition for Vol 2, No 2, December 2023.</p> <p>Best Regard,</p> <p>Editorial Team.</p> 2023-11-19T07:56:53+00:00 Call For Paper Vol 2, No 1, June 2023 2023-04-03T13:34:30+00:00 RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: Journal of Sharia Economics <p>RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS.<br />STEI Ar Risalah Sumatera Barat invite the Lecturers, Researchers and Practitioners to publish their best research articles to our Journal. This journal focuses on the results of Sharia Economics research which includes the Halal Industry, Finance and Business Sharia, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Development Economics, and Islamic Philanthropy. Publish Edition for Vol 2, No 1, June 2023.</p> <p>Best Regard,</p> <p>Editorial Team.</p> 2023-04-03T13:34:30+00:00 Call For Paper Vol 1, No 1, December 2022 2022-10-04T19:25:22+00:00 RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: Journal of Sharia Economics <p>RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: JOURNAL OF SHARIA ECONOMICS.<br />STEI Ar Risalah Sumatera Barat <span class="JsGRdQ">invite the Lecturers, Researchers and Practitioners to publish their best research articles to our Journal. </span>This journal focuses on the results of Sharia Economics research which includes the Halal Industry, Finance Sharia, Management and Business Sharia, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Development Economics, and Islamic Philanthropy. Publish Edition for Vol 1 No 01, December 2022.</p> <p>Best Regard,</p> <p>Editorial Team.</p> 2022-10-04T19:25:22+00:00